Takra dhara is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy in which a continuous stream of medicated buttermilk is poured on the body of the patient. Takra means buttermilk and dhara means stream . The buttermilk is prepared by processing with various herbal medications like amalaki and mustha . It is then put into the dhara vessel and poured as a continuous stream over the patients forehead. As a result the nerves are stimulated and the nervous function improves. It has a cooling effect on the body and mind and it is used to treat a widely range of diseases.
The dhara done for whole body is sarvanga takra dhara and for a particular part of the body is ekanga takra dhara. The procedure is almost similar to shiro dhara , but the buttermilk should not be heated or reused. Takra dhara can be done for a period of 45-60 minutes per session depending on the severity of the disease and physical constitution of the patient. It is done for 7-14 days or longer as advised by the physician. It is preferably done in the morning hours of the day. The treatment is contra indicated in conditions like chronic sinusitis, cold ,fever etc.
Benefits of takra dhara
- Takra dhara is effective in treating chronic skin conditions like psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, neuropathies, hypertension, stress , anxiety, sleep disorders like insomnia, migraine headache and various diseases related to eye and ear.
- It improves the blood circulation to the brain , activates the nerves and reduce stress and fatigue.
- It is good for the health of skin and prevents premature graying of hair.
- It balances the vitiated dosas.
- Improves immunity.
- Effective in urinary disorders, gastric issues and improves digestion.
- It helps to manage diabetes and diabetic neuropathy .
- Improves quality of sleep.
A healthy diet and routine should be followed by the patient during and after the therapy for better results. The treatment is advised by the Ayurvedic practitioner after detailed assessment of the patient.