Dr Prasanth
Dr Prasanth preference to maintain the value-based aspect of Ayurvedic perspective built on the philosophical plethora. He has a vast clinical experience of more than 30 years of treating many types of health issues including complicated disease. He has spent the major tenure of his career of more than 20 years in the Middle East to serve the immigrants and local peoples of U.A.E. This helped to touch and heal the major nationalities of the world due to Dubai base.
He has conducted training workshops for the premier doctors who had to attend the qualifying exams of M.O.H with the aid of servicing allopaths to develop the capacity of members of ayurvedic doctors of U.A.E.
His areas of expertise includes Neurological disorders, Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, spinal problems, gastrointestinal disorders, skin diseases, gynecology, stress and anxiety disorders and pediatric cases.